

贵州开心婆风味食品有限公司企业LOGO饮料产品代理网提供贵州开心婆风味食品有限公司的简介: 我公司位于**的梵净山麓,锦江河畔,气候宜人,远离污染。本公司生产的辣椒系列产品,选用梵净山下的红辣椒,采用独特的配方和工艺精致而成,具有红褐油润,辣而不燥,回味醇厚**的特点,既可直接佐餐,又可做炒菜、凉菜的调味品。  本公司实力雄厚,具有年产6000T辣椒系列食品和方便食品的生产能力,拥有数万亩的辣椒栽培基地。现有是三个品种二十六个规格的开心婆辣椒系列及乡村乡味的野菜系列产品。其中有梵净山下一百多年历史民间工艺加工的“糟辣椒”、“社饭”以其它辣、香、脆和原汁原味的天然绿色食品深受用户欢迎。“社饭”产品**获得国家生产许可证,产品已畅销二十个省、市、自治区。公司产品多次荣获贵州省名优产品,2006年获得**商标称号。本公司始终坚持以质量求生存,以信誉找市场的发展方针。  我公司地处大西南腹地,为力争在今后谋求更大发展,我们将一如既往的广交朋友,真诚邀请有识之士共创辉煌! My company is located in the famous Fanjingshan foot of Jinjiang River, a pleasant climate, away from pollution. The company produces chilli products, selected under Fanjingshan red pepper, using a unique formula and process refined, with a reddish brown oily, spicy bu***** dry, mellow aftertaste paid features, either directly adorned, but also do cooking, dish condiment. The strength of the company, with an annual output of 6000T pepper series of food and convenience food production capacity, with a few acres of pepper cultivation base. Existing specifications are three varieties twenty-six happy woman pepper series and rural townships flavored vegetable products. There Fanjingshan next one hundred years of history, arts and crafts processing of the "bad chili", "community meal" in other spicy, fragrant, crisp and authentic natural green food by users. "Social meal" products exclusive access to national production license, the products have been sold in 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Our products have been awarded Guizhou Province Famous, in 2006 obtained the title of famous trademarks. We always adhere to the quality of survival, reputation and go to the market approach to development. My company is located in the southwest hinterland to strive to seek greater development in the future, we will continue to make friends sincerely invite insight to create brilliant!
用户名 kaixinpo
会员等级 企业会员
注册时间 2021-01-01
公司名称 贵州开心婆风味食品有限公司
联系地址 贵州省铜仁市谢桥工业园区     邮编