

厦门妙晨贸易有限公司企业LOGO饮料产品代理网提供厦门妙晨贸易有限公司的简介: 厦门市妙晨贸易有限公司是一家专业经营进口果汁饮品、进口欧美商品的公司,公司位于两岸区域性金融服务中心>--厦门,致力于提供全方位服务,打造一站式国际贸易平台,为各类企事业单位和个人提供包括全球货物导购、国际物流、进出口清关的一站式进出口代理服务。 >> >公司走“进出口并举,工贸结合”的发展之路。以建设成为以进出口贸易为主业、贸易与物流联动发展、内外贸结合、掌握价值链关键环节的大型现代服务型国际商贸集团为战略目标。以中国**的高等学府“厦门大学”为技术依托,以有着历史底蕴的台湾晟泰食品有限公司为窗口,采用先进的信息技术,科学的管理手段和成熟的营销体系,为民众的需求和健康提供优质的饮料。 >> >公司旗下产品有妙晨牌芭乐汁,芦荟汁,芒果汁,黄金麦仔茶,椰奶等,产品生产以百分百台湾热带水果为原料,百分百道地的宝岛风味为基调,畅销餐饮界并建立了良好的口碑。公司以为客户创造价值为宗旨,用高质量的产品、全方位的服务满足客户的需求,让更多的客户接受并认可我们的产品和服务,客户的认可、客户的满意就是我们创造的价值。 >> >妙晨竭诚欢迎海内外各行业客商及有识之士共赢合作!>Wonderful morning, Xiamen City Trading Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in import of fruit juice drinks, imported European goods company, the company is located in the cross-strait regional financial services center - Xiamen, is committed to providing a full range of services, to create a one-stop platform for international trade, for theclass enterprises, institutions and individuals to provide a shopping guide of the world's goods, international logistics, import and export clearance of the one-stop import and export agency services.> >Take the "import and export simultaneously, a combination of industry," the road of development. Mainly import and export trade, trade and logistics joint development, combined with domestic and foreign trade, master of the value chain, key aspects of the large modern service-oriented International Trade Group as a strategic goal to build. For technical support to the well-known institutions of higher learning in China, Xiamen University, has a historical background of Taiwan Sheng Tai Food Co., Ltd. is a window, the use of advanced information technology, scientific management means and marketing system for people's needs and health provide high-quality beverages.> >> Company's products are wonderful morning brand guava juice, aloe juice, mango juice, gold Jimmy Tsai tea, coconut milk and other products 100% Taiwan tropical fruits as raw materials, 100% authentic island flavor to the tone, best-selling the catering sector and establish a good reputation .companies that create value for customers for the purpose of high-quality products .full range of services to meet customers need.to enable more customers to accept and endorse our products and services ,customers recongnition,customers satisfaction is the value we create .>>Wonderful morning we sincerely welcome> the merchants and people of insight and win-win cooperation of variious sectors at home and abroad .>一、企业目标: 创业内知名企业,做业界*强航母。> 二、经营理念 诚信合作,增值服务;以义取利,义利双行。> 三、管理理念 人性化、系统化、简单化、规范化; 造就懂经营、会管理、勇于创新的团队。> 四、企业精神以人为本; 以诚立业。> 五、企业作风 有理想、肯学习; 精业务、懂生活。>>>>以现代企业制度为公司治理核心。 >  将公司建成以进口产品经营为主、内贸、外贸并举,仓储物流、实业生产、餐饮服务、资产经营相结合,多功能、运转高效,规模与效益俱佳的现代企业。
用户名 XMMCMY518
会员等级 企业会员
注册时间 2021-01-01
公司名称 厦门妙晨贸易有限公司
联系地址 厦门市思明区洪莲中路瑞景双座1号楼     邮编