

扬州绿叶食品有限公司企业LOGO饮料产品代理网提供扬州绿叶食品有限公司的简介: 清朝乾隆、嘉庆年间,达官贵人、**才子等云集扬州,杜氏家族在扬州创立了一家名号为“天下**糖坊”的手工制糖坊,其主产品牛皮糖、红枣姜糖、老姜暖胃糖、薄荷糖、茶糖具有绿色天然营养保健。其牛皮糖号称“扬州一绝”。后因战争频繁,杜氏的天下**糖坊被迫歇业,上世纪杜氏传人决心将失传已久的牛皮糖重见天日,对前人的制糖工艺进行挖掘整理,通过千百次的尝试,终于使传统产品得以重新问世,并使其在保持原有特色的基础上加以创新,使口感达到了弹性、韧性、柔软性三性为一体的*佳状态。绿叶食品公司正式重新挂牌于1979年,杜氏传人前后经过三次艰难困苦的重新创业终于使企业从简单的作坊成为一个现代化的企业。目前主要产品:绿叶牌牛皮糖,且根据市场的需求,通过自我研制,实现从“糖果到休闲食品”的转型,现拥有桂花、绿茶、花生、松子、芦荟、银杏等近20多种不同风味的精良优质特色食品,在国内享有很高的声誉。拥有**的设备、先进的技术,有牛皮糖系列、姜糖系列、茶糖系列和薄荷糖系列……产品深受广大消费者的喜爱。目前牛皮糖产品占产量的85%,另外意向拟开发新牛轧糖车间,引进了先进的设备,准备投入生产。中国食品工业协会糖果专业委员会的会员单位、中国糖果工业优秀企业、国家诚信纳税企业、扬州市重点保护企业。江苏省质量信得过产品,曾获“华东地区消费者*受欢迎奖”、中国博览会金奖“上海中外博览会金奖”、“江苏省食品博览会金奖”,连续多年评为**商标。1984年拍摄**部电视广告片,被国家认定糖果绿色食品,2009年搬迁至国中海峡两岸(扬州)农业合作试验区食品加工核心区——扬州食品工业园。使绿叶传统企业得到更好发展的平台,产品获得美国FDA的认证,并打入美国市场。中央电视台亲临公司进行专题拍摄,绿叶牛皮糖成为市政府赠外国友人城市名片,市场占有率排名**。  The Qing Dynasty Qianlong、Jiaqing period, High officials and noble lords、talented and romantic scholar gathered in Yangzhou。DU’s family creation of a world first sugar Square in Yangzhou。The mainproduct is Sticky candy、Ginger candy、Peppermint Candy,“Yangzhou a must”。Due to frequent wars,Du’s a world first sugar Square was forced out of business. Duchenne descendant of the last century, determined to the long-lost sticky candy brought to ligh . Finishing the sugar manufacturing process of the previousexcavation. Through thousands of attempt finally sticky candy to come out, And make it able to retain their original characteristics on the basis of innovation, Set flexibility, toughness, flexibility as one.  Green leafy food company was formally established in 1979,The Duchenne successor finally after three difficult to re-start from a simple workshop to become a modernized corporate.Its main products are: green leafy sticky candy brand-namespecialty of Yangzhou. Reputation at home and abroad. From candy to snack foods, Now has nearly 20 kinds of different flavors of the sweet-scented osmanthus, green tea, ginkgo, strawberries, peanuts, walnuts and other specialty food.Well-equipped, Strong technical force. Main series of sticky candy, ginger candy series, teacandy and mintsseries, Products sell well all over the country and loved by the majority of consumers.   At present , sticky candy accounted for85%. In addition, Ready for nougat workshop, The introduction of advanced machinery and equipment, than to be put into production.  Candy Professional Committee of China Food Industry Association member units, Excellent Enterprise of China's candyindustry, The national integrity of corporate tax, the protection of key enterprises in Yangzhou City, won the East China consumers the most popular "award, China Expo Gold Medal, Shanghai Chinese and foreign Expo Gold Medal……Years in a row so far been named Jiangsu famous brand, The 1984 shooting first TV commercials。The only state-certified candy green food,2009 moved to Food Industrial Park。Green leafy traditional enterprises to achieve better development,our product received U.S. FDA approval,and enter the U.S. market。CCTV visit the company feature film,Green leaves sticky candy to become the city government gift ofthe city card of the foreign friends。 The market has rate rank the first。
用户名 yzlysp
会员等级 企业会员
注册时间 2021-01-01
公司名称 扬州绿叶食品有限公司
联系地址 扬州市食品工业园鼎兴路85号     邮编