

陕西成城裕朗实业有限公司企业LOGO饮料产品代理网提供陕西成城裕朗实业有限公司的简介: 陕西成城裕朗实业有限公司,位于西安市是一家经营名酒名茶、红酒洋酒、食品百货、进口产品等批发零售的私营股份有限公司,在消费者当中享有较高的地位,与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。     公司凭借着雄厚的实力,形成了以仓储式经营模式,以良好的业绩取得了国酒茅台、五粮液、泸州老窖、西凤酒、水井坊、剑南春等多个品种在全国、西北、陕西的总代理;取得了兢山泉保健苏打水等国际国内产品的总代理。     公司与中石油、中石化、沃尔玛、人人乐、华润万家、世纪金花等知名企业有密切的合作关系,提供充足货源,互惠互利。公司拥有几百人的销售队伍,业务熟练,勇于吃苦,经验丰富,有很强开拓市场的能力。还有专业的配送队伍,有20多辆车,保证及时配送服务。Located in Xian city, Shaanxi province the biggest in northwest China and established in 2005, We Shaanxi CCYL Industrial Co., Ltd is a large scaled commercial enterprise which has a legal person status and independent management, with more than 350 employees, dealing with beverage and food, Chinese teas, health products, clothing apparel, home appliances, kitchen supplies,etc..Our organization code is 77990532-0 and our business license no. is 610000100184617 with a registered capital valued 5 million US dollars.We have set up our own sales network in Shaanxi.We have more than 100 distribution agents in different cities and counties. We have four stores in Xian, ****gzhou and Lanzhou, Gansu province, with business site area 20,000 square meters, with annual sales amount of 500 million RMB.With good performances, we obtained the dealership in China from famous state liquors of Maotai, Wuliangye, Luzhou, Shuijingfang, Jiannanchun etc, listed in A stock market.At present, according to the market demands, we want to select new products,and would like to work with strong international brand companies to develop China's biggest new market. So please offer us your quotation with prices lists on wholesale basis.
用户名 cjs789979712
会员等级 企业会员
注册时间 2021-01-01
公司名称 陕西成城裕朗实业有限公司
联系地址 中国 陕西 西安市 西安市解放路77号,裕朗国际大厦14楼及首层*饮料百货超市     邮编