法国进口葡萄酒加盟招商加盟供应圣 女 贞 德 简 介英 文 简 介French military leader and heroine. Inspired and directed by religious visions, she organized the French resistance that forced the English to end their siege of Orléans (1429). The same year she led an army of 12,000 to Rheims and had the dauphin crowned Charles VII. Captured and sold to the English by the Burgundians (1430), she was later tried for heresy and sorcery and was burned at the stake in Rouen. She was canonized in 1920. 中 文 简 介贞德于1430年在贡比涅一次小冲突中为勃艮第公国所俘,不久为英国17岁时便成为了闻名法国的女英雄,但在3年后的20岁便遭处死。20年后英国人被彻底逐出法国时,贞德年老的母亲说服教宗卡利克斯特三世重新审判贞德的案子,*终于1456年为她**。之后并于1920年5月16日由**本笃十五世封圣。 法国爵士国际集团有限公司 法国爵士国际住华代表处http://1793213061.qzone.qq.com地址:南京市浦口区大桥北路69号弘扬大厦1128