

广州白云蓝冠食品厂企业LOGO饮料产品代理网提供广州白云蓝冠食品厂的简介: 广州白云蓝冠食品厂创立于一九八七年,二十多年以来,经历了时代的变迁和技术的发展。毗邻白云山森林公园,背依流溪河,优美的自然环境孕育出“质量至上、积极创新”的经营理念,引导着蓝冠人同心合力,追求卓越品质,制造优质食品,满足您对美食不断提升的要求。        追求质量与美味并重,深谙优质源于上佳材料。我们精挑细选上乘原料,凭借丰富经验,采用现代化的生产技术及包装设备,配合严谨的质量监控体系,力求所有食品均达到优质标准。经过多年的发展,“蓝冠”树立了鲜明的品牌形象,深受顾客的支持和拥戴。目前,我们正致力于拓展更广阔的市场,让热爱美食的人们均可享用到我们的食品。我们将秉承多年食品制造的经验,坚持质量为本,提供美味丰富的产品。如同蓝冠食品的皇冠标志象征着对食品质量与美味的追求。****gzhou Baiyun Languan Food Factory was established in 1987. In these twenty years, it went through a time of change and technology development. Be adjacent to Baiyun Mountain Forest Park, back on the Liuxi River, the natural environment is pregnant with a management philosophy about "quality first, active innovation", and guide the Languan crew to pull together. To satisfy your cons****ly improving needs about delicacy, Languan has been in pursuit of    excellent quality to make high-quality foodstuff.         Equally emphasis on the pursuit of quality and taste, excellent quality roots from the first-rank materials. We choicely selected materials with a wealth of experiences, to adopt modern manufacturing technology and packaging equipment, and to coordinate with precise quality monitoring system. We strived to make all the food come up to high quality standard. After years of development, the Languan has built up a distinctive brand image, and was popular with the support of clients. At present, we are committed to open up a much expansive market, so that food-loving people could enjoy our food. Like the crown logo, our Languan symbolizes the food quality and the pursuit of delicious. We will take the accumulation of food manufacturing experience, to persist the capital of quality and provide a wealth of delicious products.
用户名 cjs489249116
会员等级 企业会员
注册时间 2021-01-01
公司名称 广州白云蓝冠食品厂
联系地址 中国 广东 广州市白云区 石井龙湖西街25号     邮编