

湖北天峡鲟业有限公司企业LOGO饮料产品代理网提供湖北天峡鲟业有限公司的简介: 天峡鲟业有限公司 天峡鲟业有限公司成立于1996年,位于举世瞩目的三峡工程宜昌水库群,是专业从事鲟鱼驯养繁殖,鱼子酱加工,饲料加工,鲟鱼制品加工与销售的股份制民营企业。 天峡如今拥有1,000吨生态循环水养殖车间,鱼子酱加工厂,饲料加工厂,水产品加工厂,鲟业研究院及 7处养殖基地,共有水域面积4,000余亩。天峡是湖北省高新技术企业,农业产业化省级重点龙头企业,是国家商检局认证的供港澳水生动物养殖基地;同时拥有世界濒危办CITES注册证明,国家出口食品卫生许可证和原产地认证。天峡拥有制造世界**鱼子酱的鲟鱼品种,包括欧洲鳇,达氏鳇,史氏鲟,俄罗斯鲟,西伯利亚鲟及杂交鲟等17个品种,形成5至15龄梯队,总数35000余尾,总量500余吨,怀卵量超过30吨。在湖北省宜都市红花工业园,天峡正在投资约1.2亿元,兴建2.2万平方米的生态循环水工厂化养鲟车间,项目全面投产后,年产鲟鱼鱼子酱30吨,鱼苗1亿尾以上,将带动10万农户就业。 www.xunyu.netLocated at reservoirs of the world famous Yichang Three Gorges Dam Project and established in 1996, our private joint-stock company is especially engaged in the sturgeon breeding, the animal feed processing, the processing and distribution of sturgeon products At present, the company owns a 10,000-ton feed processing plant, an aquatic products processing plant, a marketing center, a training center and 7 aquatic bases covering 4000 hectares rearing water in area. Tianxia is “high technology enterprise of Hubei province”, “agricultural industry leading enterprise”, “authenticated aquatic breeding base for supplying Hongkong”. We have got the CITES permit,the Heath Certificates for Food Export,Certificate of Origin. Nowadays we have Huso huso, H. dauricus, A.sinensis, A.guldenstadti and other sturgeon species which can produce the best caviar in the world, total mount reach to 35,000, age between 5 to 15 years old, the biggest one is more than 120kg , the weight reach to 500 tons. In Yidu city Tianxia invest over 1200 million euro on construct 22,000㎡colsed ecological circulation factory, the No.one 6,767㎡factory has been built and operated properly for two years. Once whole project complete, the annual production capability of caviar will be 30 tons.
用户名 cjs799919201
会员等级 企业会员
注册时间 2021-01-01
公司名称 湖北天峡鲟业有限公司
联系地址 中国 湖北 宜都市 中国,湖北省,宜都市,红花创业园     邮编