广东省中山市爱家调味食品有限公司成立于公元二零零七年八月八日,公司座落于文化名城广东省中山市,此地交通便利,经济发达。本公司基于原维嘉思(香港)食品饮料公司酱油厂(一九九二年成立),是一家集开发、生产、销售于一体的调味品制造公司。自主生产销售生抽、老抽、味极鲜、一品鲜、海鲜等普通及中**酱油,调味酱,食醋等多个产品种类系列。多年来,公司产品畅销全国各地,在欧美、澳洲、中东、印度、非洲等海外国家和地区亦得到普遍认可。 ? ?公司持有“富力”、“维港”、“樱雪”、“我爱我家”等自主品牌。“维港”品牌系列酱油以其物美价廉的特点受到广大经销商及消费者的欢迎。“富力”系列调味品曾荣获“国家监督抽查合格-全国质量信得过食品”称号。“樱雪”、“我爱我家”是近年来新开发品牌,此系列品牌质量上乘,营养丰富,包装精美,是居家、礼品、酒店等各种渠道****的**调味佳品。 ? ?公司坚持以市场需求为导向,视产品品质为企业命脉。全面推行HACCP食品安全管理体系和ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系标准,通过了国家食品质量安全(QS)认证。公司将与时俱进,逐步导入*科学,*先进,*富有效率与活力的管理系统,不断创新经营理念,为生产**质量的产品和服务提供有力保障。 ? ?同怀一片爱心,共品家的味道!——中山市爱家调味食品有限公司全体家人,愿与你携手酿造人间的美味、欢乐与和谐! ? Zhongshan Lovinit Flavoring Foods Co.,Ltd was established in 1992. It is an enterprise which accumulates the scientific researches,productions,sales and industries into one body. The products are far-sold to the south and north;almost the various parts of China,Hong Kong,Africa,Southeast Asia and other countries and regions.Having passed ten more years,not only becomed one flavoring kingdom,but also one faddish Lovinit brand name in the markets. ? Lovinit company has cons****ly been holding the product qualities as the enterprise life, sciences and technologies as the fountain sources for developing the enterprise.Therefore,Lovinit company relies on the powerful industries itself to adopt the talents.Push forward the fully qualitifide managements all round-up.And passed the ISO9001:2000 international quality system certificate recognitions in 2002.Having Laid the solid foundations for the development of Lovinit. Since implementing the brand name strategy, Lovinit ?has already created out a new horizon by the real owner itself and with one step by one step.