绍兴市绍乡古道酒业有限公司简介绍兴市绍乡古道酒业有限公司创建于1986年,占地面积25000平方米,系私人独资企业。本公司全部采用绍兴传统手工酿造工艺,以优质糯米、小麦为原料,经一年以上自然发酵酿制而成,主要生产绍兴黄酒系列二十多个品种,年产量达27000吨,产品畅销海内外。注册商标为“绍乡古道”。 二十多年来,公司结合浓厚的古越地方特色文化,努力对传统工艺进行长期有效的探索和研究,不断挖掘民间秘方,逐步融合现代先进工艺,已形成了一套独有的酿造工艺。产品健康卫生、浓郁醇香,风味独特。经科学分析,黄酒中含有二十多种人体所必须的氨基酸,酒精适度,饮之可以通经活络,解除疲劳;用于烹饪,能使肴馔鲜美;辅助药物,能使药性随着酒液快速移行全身,实为中国二千年酒文化之代表。公司坚持“严管理、重质量、讲诚信”的经营方针,狠抓质量管理。1998年,成立了检测设备齐全的产品化验中心,从原料到成品实施了严格规范的全程监控,为生产优质的产品提供了良好的技术和管理保证;与浙江工学院生物工程系进行了科研合作,新产品层出不穷,管理水平日益提高,产品质量达到了国内先进水平,深受广大消费者的信赖和好评。 我们倡导卫生、健康、营养消费,“创品牌、立信誉,为广大用户提供放心满意的产品和优质的服务”是我们永恒的奋斗主题。为了树立中国品牌,世界品牌,公司从大处着眼、小处着手,瞄准世界**,制定五年发展规划,实施**战略,积极拓展国内外市场,与时俱进,再创新业绩。公司竭诚欢迎新老客户来人、来电指导与合作!Brief Introduction of Shaoxiang Gudao Wine Co. Ltd., Shaoxing City Founded in 1986, Shaoxing Gudao wine Co. Ltd. is a private enterprise with an area of 25000 square meters . Based on Shaoxing traditional handcraft brewing technology, the company produces mainly over twenty products of Shaoxing yellow wine through the process of natural fermentation of high-quality sticky rice and wheat, with an annual production of 27000 tons. It is popular both in domestic market and abroad with the trademark of “Shaoxiang Gudao”. During the past twenty years, the company has made great effort on exploring and studying the traditional crafts and folk secret recipe on the base of ancient Yue local typical culture, and formed its unique brewing technology by combining the traditional crafts and folk secret recipe with modern advanced techniques. The wine produced is good for health, fragrant in taste and unique in flavor. According to the scientific analysis, yellow wine contains over twenty kinds of aminophenol which are necessary for human body and its alcohol degree is not high. It may help you feel hemagogic and loose. In addition, the wine can be used for cooking to make dishes more delicious and accelerate healing effect if taken with medicine. It is indeed a typical representative