

广州市铭慧包装机械有限公司企业LOGO饮料产品代理网提供广州市铭慧包装机械有限公司的简介: >利慧包装------> 中国**的液体食品无菌包装解决方案提供商!> 广州市铭慧包装机械有限公司和广州利慧包装有限公司(以下简称“利慧包装”)专业研究、设计、制造液体食品无菌包装设备及辅助设备,并提供液体食品无菌包装领域的全套解决方案。铭慧公司设备品牌“利慧包装”的产品已经成功应用于茶饮料、果汁、纯牛奶、含乳饮料、植物蛋白饮料等等行业。 自 1999 年 8 月 1 日成立以来,利慧包装以其优良的品质,先进的技术,****的客户服务为客户提供专业而完美的液体食品无菌包装解决方案。凭借稳定可靠的产品性能,人性化的环保设计,卓越的系统集成能力以及专业高效的服务水准,利慧包装每时每刻都在为企业及其用户创造安全、便利和可靠。 利慧包装通过引进国外先进技术、生产设备和优质原材料,结合自身的研究创新,历时8年研制成功****条LW系列无菌纸包装饮料生产线,包括纸包装饮料无菌灌装机、吸管贴管机、加盖加勺机、自动装箱机、自动薄膜收缩机和自动输送系统等设备。利慧无菌包装设备的无菌性能、自动化程度、生产能力、设备稳定性等全部指标均已达到国际**水平。 利慧包装锐意成为世界**的无菌包装设备制造商,我们将坚持以技术创新为先导,引进高素质人才,建立充满**的企业文化,持续拼搏创新,不断追求卓越,用不懈的努力开启臻至未来!>****gzhou Leiwest Packaging Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Leiwest Pak") is specialized in researching, designing, manufacturing liquid food aseptic packaging and auxiliary equipment, and provides complete solutions in the field of aseptic packaging for liquid food. The products of Leiwest Pak have been successfully applied in tea, fruit juice, pure milk, milk drinks, and vegetable protein drink industries and so on.Since its establishment on August 1, 1999, Leiwest Pak has provided customers professional and perfect liquid food aseptic packaging solutions with its excellent quality, advanced technology and excellent service. With its stable and reliable product performance, user-friendly environment protective design and superior system integration capabilities as well as professional and efficient service, Leiwest Pak continuously provides the customers and their consumers safety, convenience and reliability. By introducing foreign advanced technology, producing machines and raw materials of high-quality and combining with its own research and innovation, Leiwest Pak has spent eight years to successfully develop the first LW series aseptic paper packaging line for liquid food in China. LW Series equipment consists of filling machine, straw ap*******r, auto packing machines, auto shrink-wrapped machine and auto conveyor system etc. The quality of Leiwest’s machines including aseptic performance, production capacity, stability, automation and so on has reached the international leading level.> Leiwest Pak is determined to become the world's leading manufacturer of aseptic packaging equipment. We will hold the technical innovating as guidance, introduce the qualified employees, build up the company culture full of passion, continue to innovate and strive for excellence, and reach the future with keep-going efforts. >   JGS-2系列自动加勺扣盖机 LWG-2型纸包装饮料无菌灌装机 JGS-1系列压盖机 LWG-1型纸包装饮料无菌灌装机 LWT-1系列贴管机 LWT-2系列食具粘贴机 LWTY-2系列食具粘贴机
用户名 ludonh5661
会员等级 企业会员
注册时间 2021-01-01
公司名称 广州市铭慧包装机械有限公司
联系地址 广州市     邮编