公司成立于2004年,位于山东半岛的黄海之滨--胶州湾畔,是投资,旅游,商贸的理想场所。公司 有冷冻船10对,年产饲料鱼5-10万吨,食用鱼2万吨,随船员工500人,有万吨级冷库2座,固定资产2亿元人民币。The company had been established in 2004, is located the ShandongPeninsula shore of -- Jiaozhou Bay bank the Yellow Sea, is theinvestment, the traveling, discusses the trade ideal place. Thecompany has the freezing ship 10 pairs, the annual production feedfish 5-10 ten thousand tons, the edible fish 20,000 tons, along withthe ship the staff 500 people, have 10 thousand-ton cold storage 2,fixed asset 200 million Yuan.