
您的位置:首页 > 食品资讯 > 外讯导读 > 欧盟评估酿酒酵母MUCL39885作为猫饲料添加剂的功效


来源:好招商食品网 外讯导读   |  2024-04-25
   好招商食品网讯  2023年10月18日,应欧盟委员会要求,欧盟动物饲料添加剂和产品(FEEDAP)研究小组就酿酒酵母MUCL 39885作为猫饲料添加剂的有效性发布科学意见。
  根据以前和新提交的数据,专家小组得出结论,在建议的使用条件下,酿酒酵母MUCL 39885有可能作为一种有效的动物技术添加剂用于猫。部分原文报道如下:
  Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the efficacy of Saccharomyces cerevisiae MUCL 39885 (Biosprint®) as a zootechnical additive for cats. The additive is already authorised for use in sows, dairy cows, horses, weaned piglets, dogs, cattle and minor ruminants for fattening and minor ruminants for dairy production. In a previous opinion, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that Biosprint® is safe when used in feeds for cats and dogs. However, based on the data available, the FEEDAP Panel was unable to conclude on the efficacy of the additive when administered to cats. In the current application, the applicant provided an additional efficacy trial in cats. based on the previously and newly submitted data, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that Biosprint® has the potential to be efficacious as a zootechnical additive for cats under the proposed conditions of use.

TAGS:酵母 酿酒 食品安全 饲料添加剂 动物
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