好招商食品网讯 2023年9月29日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)发布消息,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)发布关于氢氧化钠(sodium hydroxide)作为狗、猫和观赏鱼饲料添加剂的授权更新申请的评估。
Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the assessment of the application for renewal of authorisation of sodium hydroxide as a technological additive (acidity regulator) for dogs, cats and ornamental fish. The applicants have provided evidence that the additive currently on the market complies with the existing conditions of authorisation. There is no evidence that would lead the FEEDAP Panel to reconsider its previous conclusions. Thus, the Panel concluded that the additive remains safe for all animal species and the environment under the authorised conditions of use. Regarding user safety, the additive is corrosive and therefore the provision of the authorisation that ‘breathing protection, eye protection, gloves and protective clothing shall be used during handling’ should be /confirm/ied. There is no need for assessing the efficacy of the additive in the context of the renewal of the authorisation.
氢氧化钠 安全局 食品安全 欧盟 饲料添加剂
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