广州麦美特食品有限公司 专业生产:果酱、果粒、果浆、果汁、果馅、菓子馅等 果酱、果馅、果粒: 以下产品特性说明:产品采用100%绿色果园的新鲜成熟水果果肉和**进口原料精制而成。果酱:口感新鲜自然,保持了水果原有的酸甜口味,广泛应用于;,冰淇淋,奶昔,刨冰,冰沙,蛋糕等产品的调味和涂抹。果馅:口感清爽润滑,原果风味,天然健康,塑型性好,广泛应用于烘焙类产品的夹心,裱饰。 果粒: 天然健康,原果风味。广泛应用于;冰淇淋,奶茶,刨冰,果味饮料奶制品等。产品规格可按客户要求生产。 菓子馅:产品特性说明: 1、本系列产品采用精选优质水果肉和**进口原料生产。 2、产品属于水质馅料,口感清香纯滑、果肉质感强、无油腻、糊口和酸败之虞。 3、产品经特殊工艺处理,有效控制了水份活度的平衡,令产品状态、皮馅之间的水份能持久稳定; 4、产品基于美味、健康、口味清新的现代食品理念,广泛使用于法式小面包、蛋黄派、软式饼干、新 式糕点等产品,是代替传统的奶油忌廉馅料;解决那种单一、腻口、不健康的*新馅料品类,品种 多样,风味口感新鲜纯滑。 果浆、果汁: 广泛应用于;冰淇淋,速饮甜品,刨冰,饮料、奶制品等。产品规格、果肉含量可按客户要求生产。 公司产品原料包括:芦荟、香蕉、菠萝、山楂、板粟、芒果、草莓、蓝莓、黄桃、苹果、梨、西瓜、橙子、木瓜、桑葚、葡萄、荔枝、番石榴等 公司联系方式Tel:020-84851316 020-22100581Fax:020-34882436 Email:marmetta@yeah.net网址:www.marmetta.cn网络实名:麦美特.中国联系人:李先生、罗先生地址:广州市番禺区石基镇文桥路文边村段6号 ****gzhou Marmetta Food Co.,Ltd.,is a Sino-Singaporean Joint Venture,It's mainly specialized in the research,processing,production and sales of fruit jam,fruit stu*****,fruit particles or granulates.Clients are all ouer China.We are the long term supplier and cooperator designated by Mengniu,Yili,Haolilai,etc.,which are the most famous factories in dairy,drinks and food industry.Besides in China,our business has exppanded abroad,such as South as South-east Asia,the Middle East and Nouth Africa,approaching Europe and America step by step.The headquarter and the production base are located in Shiji Town,Panyu District,covering an area of more than 5,000 square meters,apat from the processing base in hainan lslang.****gzhou,geographically the center of South-east of China,surrounded by ****gdong Province,****gxi Province,Fujian Province and Hainan lsland,which have abundant resources of tropical fruits,facilitated transportation and advanced information.All these great advantages have laid out solid foundation for the production in scales and healthy development of the Company.Immediately after the founding,the company has introduced advanced laboratory equipment,modernized production machines and new technology,the whole working process is in a closed circuit piping system.By now,the company has acquired Food Sanitary Certificate as well as the National QS Quality Certificate.The product quality as well as the production management are fully supervised under the requirement of GMP and HACCP.We have a professional team of research and management with full responsibility.Powerful capability in the development of new technology as well as strict production management are the basic but advantaged conditions of the company.