近日,华中农业大学食品科学技术学院潘思轶教授领衔的果蔬加工化学与综合利用团队,针对食品加工业高质量发展的新要求,以高强度超声波技术作为新兴食品加工技术的代表,系统揭示了高强度超声波在食品加工中的作用机制,全面比较了其技术优势,详细阐述了其在食品加工领域的最新应用,相关成果以“Sonoprocessing: mechanisms and recent applications of power ultrasound in food”为题,在线发表在Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition上,为食品产业高效绿色加工提供了新思路。
There is a growing interest in using green technologies in the food industry. As a green processing technique, ultrasound has a great potential to be applied in many food applications. In this review, the basic mechanism of ultrasound processing technology has been discussed. Then, ultrasound technology was reviewed from the application of assisted food processing methods, such as assisted gelation, assisted freezing and thawing, assisted crystallization, and other assisted applications. Moreover, ultrasound was reviewed from the aspect of structure and property modification technology, such as modification of polysaccharides and fats. Furthermore, ultrasound was reviewed to facilitate beneficial food reactions, such as glycosylation, enzymatic cross-linking, protein hydrolyzation, fermentation, and marination. After that, ultrasound applications in the food safety sector were reviewed from the aspect of the inactivation of microbes, degradation of pesticides, and toxins, as well inactivation of some enzymes. Finally, the applications of ultrasound technology in food waste disposal and environmental protection were reviewed. Thus, some sonoprocessing technologies can be recommended for the use in the food industry on a large scale. However, there is still a need for funding research and development projects to develop more efficient ultrasound devices.
食品安全 果蔬 食品加工 化学 食品
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